Although the concept of “self-governance” is certainly enticing, the road to achieve it is fraught with pitfalls, extreme risk, hard work and takes a long period of time.
Those residents, who have signed the petition in support of a referendum and those supporting the concept, should demand solid answers to important questions, prior to casting their vote.
1. Who has the standing to make decisions prior to the election of a government? There will be only 9 months between the referendum and the day the new Village Government begins operation. Is it possible to complete all that will be necessary in such a short time period??? A new Government has no obligation to follow the EIC model presented to the community. Why take such an enormous risk???
2. The EIC has not provided projections for the cost of any Inter-Municipal Agreement. They describe their feasibility study budget as a “model.” The EIC has not even projected the cost of the inevitable purchase of services from Greenburgh. How can you vote to incorporate without full financial disclosure?
3. There is no plan in place for the provision of services, or for the level of services which our current property tax revenue will purchase. What happens if the services required are unattainable utilizing the current property tax base?
4. Who will arrange a minimum of $15,000,000 worth of new long-term capital debt and why, would any community wish to saddle itself with debt service at a cost of approximately $1,000,000 annually. Edgemont Village would need to assume an additional $11,000,000 historic Greenburgh debt and possibly other Town liabilities not accounted for in the EIC report, while relinquishing millions in Town assets.
5. What is the process for electing a Government and when would that take place?
6. Who would be making all of the interim decisions until a government is elected and how will that be decided?
7. Can you staff a complete Village Government, Police and Public Works Depts., in 9 months? From where will these staff come and who will assure their competence?
8. Where will PD and DPW facilities be located, as there is clearly no available site in Edgemont for the $2,000,000 allocated by the EIC for land purchase? How do you believe Greenburgh will respond to Edgemont’s request to purchase land within the Town, in order to construct facilities for Edgemont. The EIC completely “missed” the reality that its proposed PD and DPW buildings, which will no doubt be built in Greenburgh, would incur property taxes, projected at $300,000-$400,000 each year. From where will these funds come?
9. Do you believe it’s possible to arrange for $15,000,000 in construction debt, hire an architect, draw plans, go through planning and zoning processes in Greenburgh, construct two facilities, lease another, equip, furnish and staff a Village Government, Police Dept. and Public Works operation in 9 months? What happens if construction takes longer and costs more????
10. Only 264 designated parking spots for 329 Edgemont Commuter Parkers. How will those who commuter park be insured a place to leave their vehicle at the railroad station? The Hartsdale Public Parking Authority has stated emphatically that they disagree with the EIC and will not begin to negotiate until a new Edgemont Village Government is elected.
11. The EIC promised it would identify replacement Pool and Tennis facilities and the funds to pay for them, prior to filing the petition. Where are they?